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In a world where uninterrupted power is non-negotiable, Dosa David Electrical Company Ltd stands as a beacon of reliability with our Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Systems service. With over 30 years of pioneering excellence in electrical engineering, we understand the critical role that a continuous power supply plays in safeguarding your operations.

Our UPS Systems service is designed to provide tailored solutions that ensure your critical systems remain powered, even in the face of electrical disruptions. From data centers to healthcare facilities and industrial applications, our expertise ensures that your operations stay resilient and uninterrupted.

Sustainability goals

Our primary goal is to provide customized UPS solutions that align with the specific needs of each client. Whether you operate a large-scale industrial facility or a small business, our experts work closely with you to design a UPS system that fits seamlessly into your operations.

Guaranteed quality

At Dosa David Electrical Company Ltd, our UPS Systems service is not just about preventing power interruptions; it's about empowering your operations with the confidence that comes from uninterrupted power.


The primary benefit of our UPS Systems service is the assurance of continuous operations. We understand that downtime is not an option, and our custom-designed UPS solutions guarantee a seamless transition to backup power, protecting your critical systems from disruptions.

(DOSA HOUSE) 1, Dosa Close Morogbo, Opposite Agbara Industrial Estate, Lagos State.

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+234 816 2488 426

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